
For A.I.M.E. to grow, we need your help to make the future better for students to receive opportunities in their field of study.

Committee Roles

We are looking for committee volunteers to assist with the communications, finance, and development committees with various responsibilities. These roles will better assist the board of directors and committee members keep the organization in a good flow. Please note that this is a volunteer position, therefore you must be employed in order to volunteer at A.I.M.E.


A.I.M.E. is looking for volunteers to help with various tasks such as helping with events, meeting with students, and lending a helping hand while doing community outreach. This is not a role in the board of directors or committee membership. This is strictly an as-needed volunteer-based program.

Internship Opportunities

We are looking for committee volunteers to assist with the communications, finance, and development committees with various responsibilities. These roles will better assist the board of directors and committee members keep the organization in a good flow. Please note that this is a volunteer position, therefore you must be employed in order to volunteer at A.I.M.E.